
best friends.

Sorry its been a few days...i've been busy. So wednesday i woke up from having the worst nightmare ever...i really dont wanna talk about it but in a sense i do cause maybe someone out there can interpret it for me...So it was my mom, my dad, my older sister and myself and we lived in this really small town...it kinda looked like Germany except EXTREMELY sunny and everyone spoke english. Anyway-so my sister and I were young and I dont remember very many details about the dream/nightmare except for my dad plotted to murder my mother and he did by poisoning her with a loaf of bread. And the worst part was that my sister and I knew what my dad was doing and we didn't even try to stop him once...and then we covered for him after it happened. I woke up sweating and in tears and I called my mom immediately not realizing that it was 5am where she lives...I dunno. It just REALLY freaked me out cause it was the first dream i've had about my dad since right after he passed away and the fact that it was such a horrifying dream got me really upset. 

but on to happier things...so later that day my friend Kisha picked me and the little one up and kinda showed me around the area and took me to a couple of stores that were pretty cool. Then we met up with the hubs after he got off work and we went to the most UUUHHHMMMAAAYZINGGG italian restaurant. OMG IT WAS SOOO GOOD!! It was a good time...after we ate we literally sat there for like 2 hours and just talked and caught up. It was nice. Then we came home and andy and I watched the new episode of Glee and youtube videos for hours and went to bed.

Yesterday was a really chill day. Andy had the day off so we slept in and lounged around the house all day in our pajamas. It was awesome. We watched American Idol and just hung out. Then me and my BESTEST FRIEND EVERRRR Morgan made a new youtube video together via skype. Its a video where you basically answer questions about your friendship and each other. It sounds kinda lame but its really funny actually. I'm working on uploading them right now so they will be up soon! And everybody please check out her blog  and her youtube channel. :))

So today I've just been working on editing the video and laundry (my least favorite thing to do ever). 

Well...off to fold clothes...


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